Photos with the Grinch

(); (); (); (), 2014

Warning: This content is 10 years old. It may be out of date. For the latest information, check the homepage

Bring your kids to have their photo taken with the Grinch this Christmas season. This holiday favourite is in its third year and is a great way to scare your kids into behaving during the holiday season. Photos will be taken coutrtesy of Femke Photography. Don't miss this festive opportunity to see babies cry! The pictures always make for a fun and unique Christmas card to send your relatives. Photos with the Grinch will be available November 29, 30, December 6, 7 and December 13, 14 between 12 noon and 4pm. Pricing varies. Packages begin at $10.

WARNING: do not tell the Grinch what you want for Christmas as he may decide that he also wants it, and may steal it from you on Christmas Eve. It is also recommended not to smile during the photo session as this will offend the Grinch. Bathing is not recommended as the Grinch may become agitated if he smells shampoo. 



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